We have many measures in place to keep you safe during your visit including enhanced cleaning schedules, carefully placed furniture and knowledgeable staff.
In order to assist with keeping everyone safe we do need to ask a few things from you:
· When moving around the venue please wear a face covering unless medically exempt
· Please remain seated as much as possible, we love a bit a of chair dancing but do not stand up to dance
· Show your appreciation for the acts but clapping your hands, please don’t cheer, shout or sing along
· Please follow the one way signage within the venue
· The atmosphere will be buzzing but the music may be a little quieter than you are used to
· The covid guidance may change at short notice so please help us by complying with any changes
· To keep queueing to a minimum we will be giving you all a requested arrival time, if this really does not work for you please contact on the venue on info@alberthallmanchester.com and we will try to accommodate a more suitable time
Here is some advice on safe travel to and from the venue.
Walk, cycle, car share or taxi to the venue where possible (please don’t drink and drive or cycle). Please only share vehicles with members of your household or bubble.
PUBLIC TRANSPORT · ensure you maintain social distancing, where possible, including at busy entrances, exits, under canopies, bus stops, platforms or outside of stations
· limit the number of people that you come into contact with, for example, avoid travelling during peak hours
· wash or sanitise your hands regularly
· avoid touching your face
· cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or the inside of your elbow when coughing or sneezing
· travel side by side or behind other people, rather than facing them, where seating arrangements allow
· touch as few surfaces as possible
· stay outdoors, rather than indoors, where possible
· minimise the time spent close to other people, where possible
· avoid loud talking, shouting or singing
· dispose of waste safely, including items such as used disposable face coverings
· be prepared to queue or take a different entrance or exit at stations
· wait for passengers to get off first before you board
· wait for the next service if you cannot safely keep your distance on board a train, bus or coach
· avoid consuming food and drink on public transport, where possible
· respect other people’s space while travelling
· be aware of pregnant, older and disabled people who may require a seat or extra space · be aware that not all disability is visible and some people may be exempt from wearing a face covering · where possible, check in using the NHS COVID-19 app if you enter a venue that has an official NHS COVID-19 QR code poster at the entrance – alternatively, you can provide your contact details All transport support services for disabled people are still available. You can contact providers in advance to understand the COVID-secure measures they have put in place to keep you safe on your journey. For more information, check your rights as a disabled passenger before you travel.
When finishing your journey:
· consider walking or cycling from the station or stop you arrived at
· wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or sanitise your hands as soon as possible – do the same for children who have travelled with you
Taxis and private hire vehicles
· If you are travelling by taxi, aside from the driver, it is not permitted to share a taxi or private hire vehicle with someone from outside your household or your support bubble.
· Even after you have received a vaccine, you should continue to apply safety measures when using taxis or private hire vehicles. · You must wear a face covering when using taxis or private hire vehicles. You will be breaking the law if you fail to do so and could be fined. A taxi driver or private hire vehicle operator will be entitled to refuse to accept you if you do not wear a face covering, unless you are exempt from this requirement.
· You should stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with where possible, or 1 metre while wearing a face covering.
· Follow the advice of the operator and driver. For example, you may be asked to sit in the back left-hand seat if travelling alone. You may want to check with your taxi or private hire operator before travelling if they have put any additional measures in place.
· You should use contactless payment if possible, or find out if you can pay online in advance.
· Be aware of the surfaces you touch. Be careful not to touch your face. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or the inside of your elbow when coughing or sneezing.
· When finishing your journey, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or sanitise your hands as soon as possible.